Install Terraform

Matt Bell
2 min readApr 11, 2021


Terraform is an open source Infrastructure as code tool made by HashiCorp. Its used to deploy infrastructure using the HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). It works with multiple providers including Amazon Web Services , Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. Its easy to read and declarative , meaning you tell Terraform what you want rather than how to build it.

I have been using it to provision Infrastructure in Azure. This is a short tutorial on how to install Terraform on Windows.

  1. Download Terraform — visit and pick the version you need. I am using the Windows 64 bit version.

2. Create a folder called DevOps on your C: drive . Extract the downloaded file to C:\DevOps\Terraform.

File path

3. Now we need to set the System Path , this tells Windows where to find and run Terraform .

Open a Run command (Windows Key + R ) and type sysdm.cpl this opens up System Properties. Click on the Advanced tab and then Environment Variables.

Environment Variables

Click on Path , under the System Variables section and click Edit .

System path

Click on New and enter C:\DevOps\Terraform. Terraform is now setup.

System path

NOTE — You can also do this via the cmd line using the set path command.

4. To verify the install open cmd or PowerShell and type terraform -version



Matt Bell
Matt Bell

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