Terraform — Creating an Azure Virtual Machine Scale set

Matt Bell
2 min readApr 11, 2021


I have recently been working my way through the Microsoft documentation on Terraform .The first project I took on was “Create an Azure Virtual Machine scale set”. Here is what I have learned, the challenges I faced, and how I overcame them.

Link to tutorial

What I have learned

  • How to install Terraform (see previous blog)
  • How to use VS Code to create and edit .tf files — Install the Terraform Visual Studio Code Extension .
  • How to authenticate to Azure with Terraform
  • Terraform syntax and how to understand it
  • How to use the Terraform Registry to find example code
  • Terraform commands — terraform init, terraform plan , terraform apply and terraform destroy

Challenges I faced and how I overcame them

  • Understanding the Terraform syntax rather than just copying and pasting from the tutorial

I utilised various sources to help — John Savills Youtube Video “Using Terraform on Azure”, Cloudskills.io Terraform on Azure course and Terraforms Get Started documentation .


Resource blocks are used to define infrastructure , below is a block to create a resource group. This block has two labels 1. the resource type in this case a resource group “azurerm_resource_group” 2. the label for the block .

  • Formatting my code so it looked good

I did a Google and found out about the terraform fmt command

  • Making it stick

At first I was just copying and pasting code from the Terraform Registry but typing it out manually has really helped me to understand it.



Matt Bell
Matt Bell

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